Four-time bladder cancer survivor is finally cancer-free

Steve Winick was diagnosed with noninvasive bladder cancer, a slow-growing but tenacious form of cancer. He had tumors removed twice, each time the cancer returned. His third tumor removal surgery was followed by chemotherapy and radiation. He and his doctors believed at this point that he had beaten the cancer. Three and a half years later, his tumor returned. It was at that point that his doctor referred him to Mark Schoenberg, M.D. at Johns Hopkins, the best in the field. Dr. Schoenberg removed Winick’s bladder, successfully removing all traces of cancer as well. Winick has been cancer-free for almost eight years now and is able to do everything he was able to do prior to his diagnosis.

About the Johns Hopkins James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute

The Johns Hopkins James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute offers comprehensive treatment options for all urological conditions, including bladder cancer. There are new treatment approaches being developed and the collaborative effort of clinicians and researchers here have led to many advances in the treatment and understanding of the urinary tract and urinary tract cancer.

Original Published Link Four-time bladder cancer survivor is finally cancer-free

#SuccessfullyRemovingAllTraces, #TumorsRemovedTwice #Cancer


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