Fixator Surgery for Perthes Disease

Tayo was diagnosed with Perthes disease in March 2009 and had the fixator surgery with Dr. Standard in August. He is now about 9 months post-fixator. Tayho shared the most amazing thing with me tonight: today in school (5th grade) they had to write about the worst thing that has happened to them. Tayo says to me, "Guess what I wrote about?" I just looked at him. He said, "Not Perthes. It isn't the worst thing that has ever happened to me. Actually, it is one of the best things. And the fixator is one of the best things too. Think about all the friends we've met. Think about all the things I can do now that I couldn't do before."

I just looked at him and said, "Wow. That is such an amazing outlook to have Tayo," and then tried not to cry!

We never know how things like Perthes will affect our children. As hard as it is (and I know how hard that fixator can be) our children somehow seem to come through it with a perspective that is positive and that enables them to be better and stronger and more compassionate people.
Were it not for Dr. Standard and the team at RIAO, I fear that Tayo would not be in the same place that he is now, not physically or emotionally. Dr. Standard (and the fixator) has allowed Tayo to re-gain all the running and jumping and physical activities that mean so much to him. Dr. Standard and his team have also helped Tayo endure and come through this treatment with courage, strength, perseverance, and a sense of accomplishment that comes from being supported and encouraged by people who truly have your best interests at heart. We will be forever grateful to Dr. Standard and his team for the positive impact they have had on our lives.

Mary Anne and Tayo (age 10)

Original Published Link Fixator Surgery for Perthes Disease

#Accomplishment, #Age10, #PerthesDisease, #PhysicalActivities, #RIAO #Orthopaedics


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