Fibular Hemimalia at About 1 Month Old Boy

I am writing on behalf of my son Nicholas. He is 5 years old and was diagnosed with Fibular Hemimelia at about 1 month old. We decided to have his leg lengthened and his ankle reconstructed at the ICLL because of their experience in treating fibular hemimelia and the confidence in the doctors that my son would live a full and active life without limitations. We understood that to most doctors amputation is the standard treatment for a case like Nicholas and for some children that may be the right choice but that was not what we felt was best for our boy. Nicholas is currently in a fixator for the second time and he is doing great. His first surgery was at 18 months old. Before his first surgery, we were very scared of what it would be like for him: would it affect his sparkling personality, would he be in constant pain? Our fears never came to pass. With both surgeries, Nicholas was off pain medication within weeks and walking and running and dancing and the same sweet, strong and happy boy he was before surgery. When Nicholas is asked about his fixator, he usually says something like this: "Dr. Standard put my fixator on to make my leg grow. He is awesome." Nicholas loves Dr. Standard, and we feel so grateful to have him treating our son. We trust him 100% with our boy and we know that he cares so very much about the lives of all the children he treats. This is a challenging process, but there is a lot of support at the Rubin Institute. I do not think there is any place like it in the world, and we could not imagine taking our son anywhere else.

Original Published Link Fibular Hemimalia at About 1 Month Old Boy

#100, #FirstSurgery, #Fixator #Orthopaedics


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