energetic five years old boy of liver failure

Trevor was a typical fun-loving and energetic five-year-old boy before his liver began to fail. After several days of hospitalization involving extensive medication and a barrage of tests, it became clear he would be unable to survive without a liver transplant.

Testing was completed and final plans were made for Trevor to receive a partial liver from a live donor. Just a couple of days before the procedure was scheduled to be performed, we were informed that a pediatric donor organ had been located and the transplant would be done the next day.

Throughout the surgery and during the recovery period, the UW Transplant Clinic staff spent countless hours educating us and preparing us for life after Trevor's transplant.

What at first appeared to be an overwhelming change in our lives has now become a normal part of our daily routine. The caring and supportive staff continues to play a major role in the life of our family.

Throughout Trevor's stay at the hospital, the medical team was as focused on the emotional well-being of our family as it was on Trevor's medical condition. The nursing staff at UW Children's Hospital embraced him with heartfelt compassion and the bond he formed with many of them still continues today.

I still recall fondly Trevor's morning routine of shuffling to the playroom as he flashed a big smile and a "thumbs up" to everyone at the nurse's station to let them know his day was off to a good start.

Trevor's life has now returned to a relatively normal state. He loves school and enjoys participating in several activities including soccer, karate, baseball and Cub Scouts.

Original Published Link energetic five years old boy of liver failure

#BarrageOfTests, #LiverTransplant, #ParticipatingInSeveral #Transplant


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