A Primary Journey to Start running Five Miles a Day

I reached out for help from my primary care physician many times and was repeatedly shot down. The cure all in my doctor’s opinion was that I needed to push myself away from the table and start running five miles a day. If I had a dollar for every time he had given me that response I’d be a millionaire.

I had three family members and two close friends that had bariatric surgery a few years prior to our move to Florida. I spent those years as a support person for my family and friends knowing that surgery was something they desperately needed to survive. I researched all surgical options and educated myself as much as possible so I could become their best support person. I searched the Internet for countless hours reading every Web site and study I could find pertaining to surgery, the life changes, eating habits and why people chose to have bariatric surgery.

I became infatuated with the Web sites designated for weight loss patients. I couldn’t wait everyday to read their personal stories, view before and after pictures, see discussions about the WOW moments and the everyday trials and tribulations. I was overjoyed at how this surgery had such a positive effect on so many lives. My family and friends were benefiting from weight loss surgery and they deserved it after all the years of countless yo-yo dieting and co-morbidities (diabetes, high blood pressure and other health problems related to obesity) too long to list.

Driving into work one morning, a voice came over the radio. It was a young woman discussing her health, how it had deteriorated, her co-morbidities and how it was affecting her physically and mentally. I could hear the desperation in her voice when she described how she felt when she couldn’t do certain things with her family and how upsetting it was.

When the commercial was over there was a phone number to call to obtain a copy of her story in the mail. With no hesitation I picked up the phone to call and ordered a copy. I felt like I knew this person’s voice on the other end of the radio, and her story was so familiar but I couldn’t figure out why. When I received the video I waited until everyone was a sleep, popped in the DVD and sat in my recliner with a bag of popcorn eager to learn more.

Check back soon to hear the rest of my story. You can see my "before" picture in this story. If you would like to see me now, please click on my name under the post title!

Original Published Link A Primary Journey to Start running Five Miles a Day

#Blog, #WeightLoss #GeneralSurgerys


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