I Need a Vacation

Yesterday, I did something I never thought I would do……I started this blog! When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer I thought I would write a book about my journey. For some reason, it never materialized. My daughter, who is home for the summer gave me the idea of writing a blog. She, along with my son set up this page. They did a great job! The photo header of this blog is one my son took when we were in Hawaii recently. Speaking of Hawaii…..

I love to travel! There is nothing like going on vacation, and making memories with your family. Thankfully, my family also shares this interest.

When I was having chemotherapy the first time, my husband said to book a cruise, our first, to help me get through the nastiness that is chemo. It was the light at the end of the tunnel. My family was joined by my younger sister and her family, and my oldest brother. It was a fantastic vacation, just what the doctor ordered!

We have gone on many vacations since to celebrate happy occasions. We have celebrated birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, my 2 year cancer free anniversary, my 3 year cancer free anniversary, etc….

Hawaii is one place that has been on my radar for a very long time. We had plans to visit this beautiful state in the summer of 2015. When I was diagnosed in September 2013 with metastatic breast cancer, we changed the date because, well, you just never know.

We visited the islands of Oahu and Maui. We did things we have never done before. Horseback riding was one, in which we all enjoyed. I was able to participate in all the activities with my family except for hiking up Diamond Head. My body isn’t quite the same as it once was, but hey, it was 85 degrees, sunny and humid!

Vacations are good for the soul. I know for me they have helped get me through some rough times, and we make memories that will last a lifetime. I have learned through my journey that we should not put things on hold in life. Be honest with people. Tell people you love them; don’t wait until their eulogy. Go on trips. Spend time with your family. Basically, tell people what you’re really feeling and don’t put parts of your life on hold.

Original Published Link I Need a Vacation

#3YearCancerFree, #Chemotherapy, #MetastaticBreastCancer, #ReallyFeeling, #Vacation #Cancer


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