Joseph Bove Prostate Cancer Story

I was just 54 years old when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. My doctor had done a PSA test at my annual exam and ordered a biopsy when the test showed a high level of PSA. The news came at a difficult time for me. In 2007, I had to close my printing business due to the downturn in the economy, so I was looking for other business opportunities. Cancer was just another thing to worry about.

My local doctor in Delaware thought I should have surgery, but I didn’t want to go in that direction without researching other options. I learned that radiation therapy can be as effective as surgery for treating prostate cancer.

I also read about Calypso technology, which uses radiation targeting to pinpoint the exact position and movement of the prostate during radiation therapy treatment, which can help reduce the side effects of therapy. That was when I discovered that the technology was available at Fox Chase Cancer Center.

Even though Philadelphia wasn’t as close as I would have liked to my home in Delaware, I knew I should go there. One of my coworkers had been treated at Fox Chase and was doing great. I figured Fox Chase was the best place to go if you have cancer.

Right away, I met with a radiation oncologist, who recommended eight weeks of daily radiation therapy, using the Calypso technology. During this treatment, I met with other men who were going through the same treatment, and we formed our own informal support group in the waiting room. It’s incredible the way we were able to bond over our illnesses; we still keep in touch, check in on each other, compare notes, and get updates.

Fox Chase was the best choice for me. My local hospital does not offer the type of treatment that I received, making me even more certain that I did the right thing by going to Fox Chase.

Original Published Link Joseph Bove Prostate Cancer Story

#ProstateCancer, #PSA, #RadiationTargeting, #SideEffectsOfTherapy #Cancer


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