Suzie Flores – Heart Attack Survivor

My story starts on Dec. 18, 2012. On this day my Dad passed away due to a heart condition.   I decided it was time for me to get myself checked out, to see where my heart health was (my Mom passed away just before her 56th birthday). I had the family history and had just turned 50.  I went to the doctor and he ran some tests. On the treadmill, I went for 3.5 minutes and just couldn’t go any further. I was so sure it was just because I was overweight and out of shape.  The doctor then scheduled another test- the angiogram. During this test the doctor found that I had 3 clogged/blocked arteries.  He told me I was being admitted and transported to St. Pete's.  While there, waiting for my triple bypass surgery, I was watching the informational videos they have available in the rooms.  This is when I realized that I did actually have a heart attack on the day my Dad passed.  I felt pain in my chest, crushing pain, and I couldn't breathe. I kept trying to catch my breath all the while I felt like I was going to be sick.  The next couple of days I had a tingling kind of achiness in my neck and down my left arm, almost a numbness.  With all of these symptoms, I still thought it was due to the stress.  I was lucky I didn't have a massive heart attack- though my arteries were very clogged.

Original Published Link Suzie Flores – Heart Attack Survivor

#Angiogram, #BlockedArteries, #BypassSurgery, #HeartAttack, #HeartCondition #Heart/Cardiac


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