Lori Emery-Olson – Heart Attack Survivor

In 2009, I was a married 38 year old, with a 2 year old and a 6 year old.

Thursday, October 8th of 2009, was one of the last days of a week without my husband, who was out of town hunting.   I had dropped off each of my kids at school, then went in to work to see about taking the day off, for a “me” day.   I arrived at work around 10 am and was getting settled, waiting to meet with a supervisor, when I started to feel what I would call indigestion.  It wasn’t going away so I went outside to get some fresh air.  The sensation was getting worse – it was getting harder to breath and I was starting to feel sweaty.   I was pacing, trying to figure out what to do, when a co-worker let my supervisor know I didn’t look well.  My supervisor sat me down to talk to me.  As we talked, my hands were cramping up and my symptoms continued to get worse, so he decided to call 911.  The paramedics came and said I was having a panic attack.  After some time of trying to “calm me down,” they decided to take me to the hospital.  It was there that they hooked me up to an ECG - it determined that I was having a heart attack.  I had 100% blockage in my LAD.  After two attempts, a successful stent placement was completed and I began my new life as a heart attack survivor.   Of the handful of risk factors, I had two that contributed to my event – stress and genes/heredity.

Another piece I’d like to share – just under two years before my heart attack, I lost my 58 year old mother of a heart attack. L Since all of this, I’ve been doing what I can to bring awareness to others on the seriousness of heart diseas,e and the importance of taking better care of ourselves by knowing our numbers (BP, cholesterol, etc.), eating right and being more active.

Original Published Link Lori Emery-Olson – Heart Attack Survivor

#BP, #Cholesterol, #ECG, #HeartAttack, #RiskFactors #Heart/Cardiac


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